Friday, January 30, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss...

A wise ol’ man remarked: Ignorance is bliss. No more than today, do I realise why Thomas Gray remarked such. 

It is so difficult to know something and not speak up. What when what you know is said by someone of someone, both of whom are your closest pals... What when the statement conveyed could alter things beyond a point of no return. What when, you wish you dint know what you know. What when this information is so critical that you feel you are committing a crime by keeping it yourself. What when this information is so confidential that relaying of this info is not just unethical but also unasked for... It is these moments that you realise the meaning of butterflies in the stomach – it’s so uneasy keeping quiet and so easy blurting out “secrets”, but once out, the situations could spiral out of control in lieu of the information leak. If the matters aren’t complicated enuf, there will always be this X-ray vision of the subject that every time you connect eye-to-eye, you avert them lest these be the window to your soul. And then begins the game of cat and mice till the time the mice are in the open and at peace with the cat or else the cat gives up looking for the mice. It is this game that I’ve now become an expert in and have been playing for the past few days...

1 comment:

skhajone said...

Whatever may be the secret - i feel that the truth i the best way out - even if it may not be the easiest or the painless. This is the correct choice. :)

Right and wrong has no correlation with less pain or more pain. :)

Keep blogging